Two New “BASIC” Designs From CNC Molds N Stuff – for the Budget or Production Minded

The new Basic Curly Tail Worm swims out to about 6-1/4 inches long. Available in 1 or 8 cavity versions.   The new Basic Ribbon Tail Worm swims out to about 9 inches long. Available in 1 or 8 cavity versions.    

I CAUGHT A DOUBLE – and several firsts… (not the double… well not exactly) ***UPDATED-11/7/23***

I added a few things you all might (and might not) be interested in.  Look below for UPDATEs. Original Post Below: By Bob La Londe November 3, 2023 I was visiting with a friend yesterday (If you know me you know I currently only have four people I call friend, so you might be able…


(Video) Whisker Seeker Gets Her Sole – Part 5b

Okay, I took several days worth of work and distilled it down to just a bit under 30 minutes.  This may be the first significant forward step and is certainly a significant milestone in bringing Whisker Seeker back to life.  Part 5a & 5b.  For those who are up to speed Part 5b is posted…

President Proudly Supports Bill Reversing Presidents Own Unconstitutional Over Reach – WHAT?!

President Proudly Supports VETO PROOF BILL that reverses presidents own explicit overreach of power. “Bullshit. You just got overwhelmingly shot down, and now you want to try and take credit for doing the right thing after being forced to do the right thing against your will. ”|1


The Hex Worm’s First Time On The Water – It Really isn’t a “Trick.”

I sent the very first Hex Worm mold home last night with the fishing buddy I fished with all summer. I told him to make some baits in his favorite colors and send me some pictures I could post. He fished with them this morning, and he was crazy excited about it. He said he…

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Not Much Fishing Or Outdoors Related – EV, EV Charger, Foam, Molds, Mud Motor Parts, Welding, etc

I’ve been busy with other projects.  Work of course.  Due to a variety of higher priority demands on my time I just haven’t hade much time for things like fishing or working on boats.  I still haven’t even installed the winch on the Jeep yet. I installed an EV charging station in my garage for…

That is one sexy header pipe… (picture) (updated: Sept 16th 2023)

This is a 2:1 header for a Harbor Freight Predator 670.  I don’t know how much I’ll modify the engine, but if you follow along with posts and videos about Bar Hopper you will learn as I do.  It’s my understanding that I’ll need to reject the HF stock carburetor immediately after installing (or during…

The Legend of Bar Hopper Episode #1 – BIRTH OF A LEGEND (video)

If you want to read the intro to the intro check out this entry from a little earlier. Short Long Tail – (updated Sep-8-23) For some more details on the plan check out the introductory video below. I doubt you will find it educational, but hopefully you find it entertaining. I wasn’t sure I…

NOT AFTER ITS BEEN OPENED – 10 Year Old Flotation Foam

Some of you might remember this test of 10+ year old 2 part flotation foam? I originally posted this video 2 years ago.  I can tell you that while it might have been fine after 10-12 years on the shelf unopened, when I opened it today to actually start pouring some foam into Whisker Seeker…

MOST People Do Not Value Anything They Didn’t Pay For (New Anecdote & Old Rant)

Below is an old rant worthy of reposting. If you don’t want to read a rant stop when you get to *** RANT MODE ON *** below. Sometimes people surprise me. A while back an old Yuma Bass Man member (there is no membership anymore) gave me an old trolling motor to do with what…

Re: Carry Across State Lines!! This was in the (Massachusetts State District Court), so it has no bearing anyplace other than Massachusetts.

VIDEO: Jarred tends to overstate the points, but this is interesting regarding the right to carry across state lines. This case is in regards to two states that DO NOT have reciprocity agreements. Massachusetts and New Hampshire. This was in the (State District Court), so it has no bearing anyplace other than Massachusetts. Yeah, I…


The Sole – Repairing the Sub Structure – Another Boat Project That May Never Be Finished – Part 5a

The continuing saga of getting “Whisker Seeker” back into shape to hit the river. (VIDEO) CREATING THE VIDEO ITSELF IS A LOT OF WORK, and I don’t make videos for a living. I would appreciate it if you would like the video and subscribe to the channel so I know if you have any value…

Holeshot & Ride

Hole shot generally refers to how long it takes your boat to go from displacement to plaining speed.  For most plaining hulls the best hole shot is accomplished by trimming the motor/outdrive all the way down, and going full throttle as quickly as possible.  Push the throttle all the way to the stop very quickly…