I may be pulling a 351W engine out of an 82 Bronco soon. It was parked back in the late 90s or early 2000s with low oil pressure. This will make the 4th or 5th time that engine was out. First time it jumped time at just over the 26K warranty. Dealer pulled it and…
Want one? Take one. Want two? Ask Edgar. Want More? Buy the mold and make as many as you want. I’ll be taking a box of soft plastic baits over to The Hide-A-Way sometime in the next month or so. Wander in when you get a chance and see if they are there yet. I…
I have used a number of injectors over the years. I’ve made a fair number myself, although I do not sell injectors. Bass tackle, Del-Mart, Jacob’s Baits, etc etc etc… I even started out using a meat marinade injector back in the beginning. For the most part I have liked the ones from Bass Tackle…
So far today I haven’t really done much. Some is fishing related, however. I spent some time with machines running in the background repairing a couple of my favorite rods. A flipping stick that needed a new tip top, and a multipurpose rod I really like needing a new tip top and a new double…