My Biggest Canal Bank Bass In A While
I’ve caught a lot of fish over the years. A 3lb smallie isn’t a record or a personal best or “special,” but I’ve blanked my last couple canal bank outings. I was beginning to think this was going to be another such trip. Then just past sunset with no direct sunlight on the water I spotted a dozen fish hanging on some structure. I had already given up on the Club-O. Fish I had seen were just ignoring it. I flicked out a little drop shot worm and they just ignored it. If they were going in that direction they swam around it but that was it.
I didn’t want to give up so I walked back to the truck and picked up a crank bait. I picked a spot about 2/3 of my maximum casting distance and cast past the submerged structure where I had seen all those fishing just hanging out. I felt it bump the structure, and then I felt it bump back. I swept into it for a hookset, but the fish swam fast up current towards me. At first I thought it felt big, but it was swimming so fast I was barely able to keep up. Just a few feet from my toes it came off and the bait went flying through the air back over my head.
I was pretty disappointed. I figured that was probably my last chance to catch something, but I made another cast. I felt it hit the structure, and then I felt a thump. I made sure to move the rod back fast to get that hookset. This time it fought me. When I saw it I was afraid to swing it, so I dangerously slid down the bank until my toes were touching the water and then slid the fish up on some grass growing along the water line. It took me a couple tries, but I managed to get my thumb in its mouth and scramble back up the bank for a picture.
It actually might be my first bass this year. It’s not my biggest bass from the canal. Its probably not even my biggest canal bank smallie, but its the biggest one I’ve caught in a while. It’s not a trophy so I didn’t weigh it, but I’m sure it was a solid 3+. A fat healthy powerful fish.