Bob Rants – If You Call Me Early in The Morning It Better Be An Emergency or…

Bob Rants – If You Call Me Early in The Morning It Better Be An Emergency or You Better be Parked in My Driveway With Your Boat Ready to Take Me Fishing

I’ve been supportive of another proprietor. I’ve sent business their way for years. When they went through a transition in their life recently I supported them. It got me kicked off of a professional forum when I didn’t stand for being threatened over it. I continued to support them and be a sounding board for them to relieve stress and talk about their problems. I did get a little annoyed, but I paused to listen when they called me to rant about their issues while I was standing in poop soaked mud fixing a septic system that wasn’t draining. A couple times I’ve been busy lately and had to get them off the phone so I could take care of my own customers. They got offended and called me at five in the morning to ask if I was working now. I was asleep. I just hung up on them, but I usually get up around six and I couldn’t get back to sleep. I dropped them a text letting them know if it was a real emergency I could actually help with fine, but don’t do that again. Hold on… Let me look at my text. “If it isn’t a real emergency I can actually help with don’t do that again. No Bullshit.”

They called me a few minutes later yelling at me, telling to lose their number, and more. In a pause I replied. “If you call me at five in the morning because your stuck in a ditch I’ll roll out of bed and come rescue you, but there is no reason to wake me up at five in the morning for no reason,” I yelled back. I heard silence for several seconds and then they hung up.

I get that they may be having a tough time right now, but I can’t help them if I don’t take care of myself. F_ _ _!

I’m still here if they need help, but I have my limits…

Okay, now I wasted your time reading this bullshit. I apologize to you, but it made me feel better.

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