Remington Rand 1911A1 Pistol
Remington Rand 1911A1 Pistol

What can you tell me about it and its history? I was not really aware of it until I ran across this one owned by a friend. It was his dad’s service weapon in WWII. First I looked up its value using the completed sales option on Gun Broker, and then checked on TrueGunValue to see what they showed. I am somewhat surprised at how well these are valued given that (according to Wikipedia) there were nearly a million of them made by Remington Rand from 1942 to 1945. I would love to know more history about them, and hear any tales or memories from those who carried them and those who knew them.
After I have learned a little more I’ll put together a recap video (and maybe some range time) about it on my gun channel on Rumble.