I WAS WRONG!!! (about knots) YOU MAY BE WRONG TOO (video)
Years ago a friend and I had an argument about terminal knots. Palomar vs Improved Clinch. THIS IS NOT ABOUT EITHER OF THOSE KNOTS! He was adamant that the palomar knot was the best, period, end of discussion. Having started with a clinch knot and later graduating to an improved clinch knot at a very…
A NEW (to me) MACHINE IN THE SHOP For Making Soft Plastic Baits. I bought a used mini shooting star injection machine to play with in the shop. Follow my adventures using this new toy for making worms, swimbaits, creatures grubs & more. https://rumble.com/v5zmy1n-a-new-to-me-machine-in-the-shop-for-making-soft-plastic-baits.html
Paul Harrel Thanksgiving Special 2024
Sorry to disappoint you, but its not a hoax. Paul is still gone, but his brother Roy has continued the holiday special traditions. Please enjoy this video. Roy isn’t Paul, and that’s okay. Thank you Roy for continuing the holiday specials. I always looked forward to them, and looks like I still do. Thank you.
What Happened to The Fishing Reports ???
As you might have noticed the last several articles and write ups have been about shooting or tackle making. I’ve actually been out a couple times since the last fishing report, but they were nothing special. 5-6 fish. Average 2 pounders. Big fish at 2-1/2. I haven’t found an on-fire fall wolf pack, but I…
Is This The Dumbest Little Pea Shooter or…
Is This The Dumbest Little Pea Shooter or… #short #black powder #NAA #22 #cap #ball Quick View of the North American Arms .22 Black Powder Cap And Ball Revolver. For more follow my channel here on Rumble. In most US states you can have cap & ball and flintlock hand guns, rifles, and shotguns shipped…
I bought “yet another” Machine
Yes, it is another CNC machine, but I probably will not be making molds with it. Its a gantry style CNC machine sometimes called a bridge mill. Its less about the rigidity required for efficiently machining metal, and more about the larger foot print for machining sheet goods. This one has a working envelope of…
Button Panel Roasted By The Sun – V176 Magnum 2002
Button Panel Roasted By The Sun – V176 Magnum 2002 A buddy of mine has completely quit fishing and he offered me his 2002 Triton V176 Magnum for very little with its Johnson 90. The carbs were totally gunked up which was no surprise. I’ve cleaned carbs before. This Johnson has something I haven’t seen…
“It’s Just For Personal Use” is NOT a Loop Hole
If you are copying somebody else work, you are still copying somebody else’s work. I don’t care why or what excuse or what loophole you want to use. “It’s just for personal use,” is still infringing on their work. My company policy is I will not knowingly make a copy of somebody else’s non-generic current…
Bob’s Tips For Boaters #1 – Make a Check List AND CHECK IT
Plug, keys, safety equipment, lunch, beverages, trailer connections, straps and hooks secured, fishing gear, hunting gear, camera, cell phone, radio, spare tire, etc, etc, This should be a list of things you should check and make sure you have before you hit the road, and then maybe a second list to double check before you…
That big old wind skirt – 2024 F250 FX4
That big old wind skirt. I know many people will have an “opinion,” but I am hoping for a response with somebody who actually “did the math.” (For those who may be literally challenged that is editorial license.) I’d like to hear from somebody who got reasonable mileage numbers over at least a few hundred…
At One Of These Spots – THE TEST
I have not been fishing much lately due to… well an abnormal number of adult responsibilities. I complained recently to my doctor about a high level of irritability, and he said I should go fishing more. I have an actual official medical recommendation to go fishing more. I took my doctors advice and I went….